Donate & Make Music a Force for Nature

Donate. Get Warm Fuzzies.

Sustain Music & Nature Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. We will send you a receipt of all donations made for your tax purposes. See our IRS certification here. We're also on Guidestar!


Become part of a community of folks who are helping us make music a force for nature! Join our Sustainer's community on Patreon at any monthly donation level you choose. You'll get exclusive behind-the-scenes content and perks, and help us decide where to do future Songscapes! Learn all about Sustainers HERE.

Donate By Check

If you'd prefer, send your donation check (made out to Sustain Music and Nature) to the address below. This method ensures all of your donation goes to us, and nothing is taken out by third party fees.

Sustain Music and Nature, 451 Storrs Rd, Mansfield Center, CT 06250

Donate by Amazon

You can also help us out by doing your shopping through Set Sustain Music and Nature as your charity, and then whenever you do your Amazon shopping through the web address, Sustain will get 0.5% from the purchases you make! Free for you, good for us.