Make this Songscape Happen! Crowdfunder launched

Plus, PERKS!

  • $10  Virtual hug from one of the refuge's seahorses

  • $20 Early access to Sollee's Songscape song 

  • $30  Early access to the music video!

  • $50 All of the above, and a recording of ambient sounds from the ocean/refuge recorded by co-founder, Harrison Goodale (Parsonsfield bassist)

  • $75 Copy of the song artwork signed by Ben Sollee (and the above)

  • $100  The Box Set! Lyrics sheet, signed song artwork, and a postcard from New Jersey. Plus above.

  • $250  Flash drive with exclusive photos, video and sounds from the Songscape. Two tickets to the kick off party on April 24 which includes a private concert by Ben Sollee (travel not included). Plus above.

  • $500  You get 4 tickets to the party, and a book of Teddy Roosevelt quotes dedicated to you by his great-great-grandson, Simon Roosevelt.

We can't make this happen without your support! Donate to our crowdfunder for Songscape: Forsythe NWR and ensure that we create new audiences and support for public lands. Your donation supports the travel and recording fees associated with putting on this Songscape, as we've had a generous donor cover the videographer. Donate here: