
Songscapes Podcast: Rozzi

Ep. 13: Rozzi - The Adam Levine Catapult and Climate Change Songs

This week on Songscapes, we are joined by rising pop star Rozzi! Raised in San Francisco and based out of Los Angeles, she’s no stranger to climate change and its manifestations such as raging wildfires and smoke-filled air. True to the artist’s way, she expresses the intimacy of climate change events through her song, “Orange Skies”. Tune in to hear about the many turns her life has taken to make her the musician she is today, from fasting for three days in the desert in Joshua tree, to being picked out personally by Adam Levine to begin her career, to gaining the confidence to write an album based off of her own truth and intuition, rather than anyone else’s. She deeply values the connection brought forth by music, and how it allows us to know each other even if we’ve never met.

You can find Rozzi on her Instagram at or on her website at