We got a grant!

Sustain got a Colorado Creates grant!

We’re thrilled to receive a grant from Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade! The “Colorado Creates” grant will help support Sustain’s programming in Colorado.

Also, wouldn’t it be cool if every state dedicated resources like this to arts?

Colorado Creative Industries believes in the power of creativity to inspire human connections, create social change and support economic vibrancy throughout Colorado. We believe in the practice of creation, the artists and entrepreneurs who contribute to our rich culture and the benefits of our creative economy.

We support and encourage the innovators, creators, change-makers and dreamers who improve our quality of life and make Colorado creative. We focus on strengthening the vitality of visual, performing and literary arts through promotion, resources and funding opportunities. We believe in bold innovation and the invaluable contributions the arts bring to this beautiful state.

Our most humble thank you for the grant and to the legislators that support funding for arts organizations! Woo hoo!